HPV Symptoms (Gardasil’s Are Worse)

HPV Symptoms

Is Gardasil Really Safe?

Written by Will Blesch, Copyright 2012


I just read an article by Dr. Mercola.

Apparently Gardasil, the HPV vaccine (HPV stands for the Human Papillomavirus) may possibly cause inflammation in the brain that can could lead to death. Imagine that! Merck and the FDA have been saying for years how groovily safe the vaccine is, but a new study out by scientists at the University of British Columbia (UBC) have new evidence to offer.

In fact, the study conducted by these researchers says many of the symptoms reported by those vaccinated by Gardasil after they got their HPV shots are associated with cerebral vasculitis.

(Cerebral vasculitis or central nervous system vasculitis is inflammation of the blood vessel wall involving the brain and occasionally the spinal cord.)

The study says that in some cases, cerebral vasculitis may well be triggered by the Gardasil vaccine. This is in spite of the fact that public health agencies are still maintaining that the vaccine is safe!

So what kind of symptoms are we talking about here?

As of mid-2012, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has received 119 reports of death following vaccination with Gardasil, as well as:

  •     894 reports of disability
  •     517 life-threatening adverse events
  •     9,889 emergency room visits
  •     2,781 hospitalizations

Moreover, during the study, scientists analyzed brain tissue samples from two young women, who suffered from cerebral-vasculitis-type symptoms following Gardasil vaccinations, and that died shortly afterwards.

Dr. Mercola’s article stated concerning the study, “They found antibodies that recognize HPV-16L1, a viral antigen present in Gardasil, binding to the wall of blood vessels in the brain. Particles of the HPV-16L1 antigen from Gardasil were also detected in the arteries at the base of the brain, with some particles adhering to the blood vessel walls.”

I don’t think I would vaccinate either my son or daughter with the HPV vaccines (either Gardasil or Cervarix). I don’t think either vaccine is truly safe despite what the health department, the FDA and the CDC have to say about it. New information keeps coming to light that paints these vaccines with a big, red “Do Not Use” sign.

For those that don’t know, HPV is the most common STI in the world. However, despite the hype and fear mongering, there is no HPV health crisis. In fact, over 90% of HPV infections are cleared from the body in a two year time frame with no medical intervention whatsoever.

Sometimes though, those infections are not cleared, and that’s when a potential problem with genital warts or cervical changes etc. can occur.

Click on the following link to learn more about HPV symptoms and what remedies are available.


The best option is to get informed…and to lower your chances of getting HPV by being in a faithful relationship with one partner; limiting your number of sex partners; and choosing a partner who has had no or few prior sex partners.

MedAlerts.org. HPV vaccine adverse event report to VAERS as of Aug. 13, 2012.

HPV Confessions (Are Women’s Mags Pushing an Agenda?)

Copyright 2012, Written by Will Blesch

Well, dear readers my pause has actually been a little more than a month rather than a mere week.

However, I am back!

As promised, this posting will look at some of the more popular women’s magazines in the U.S. and their coverage of any issue concerning the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) over the course of 2011.

Here’s the top five: “Women’s Health Magazine”, “Cosmopolitan”, “O, the Oprah Magazine”, “Glamour” and “Self”.

With titles like, “Would He Get an HPV Vaccination to Protect You?,”all of them pretty much touted the government line without doing any kind of journalistic digging. (What does one expect from magazines that are mostly built around fluff?) All of them that is, except for O, the Oprah Magazine.

O, at least had some material that was more for the thinking woman. This magazine had titles like “The HPV vaccination debate” and “You Might Be Able to Skip Your Pap Smear This Year.”
What does this mean? Why does it matter?

It means that the government’s line regarding HPV infection is strong, it’s constant, and it infiltrates all kinds of media.

The marketing message is this:

There’s an HPV epidemic! Women all over the place COULD get cervical cancer, and now, boys too can get oral and anal cancers due to HPV! You need to prevent it NOW…with the HPV vaccine.

The fact of the matter is that they neglect to tell you that 90% or people with an HPV infection will clear that infection naturally with NO medical intervention of any kind.

Moreover, the HPV burden of disease is largely in the male, homosexual community (I’m not making this up, it comes directly from the CDC.)

And, finally, the HPV vaccine is incredibly limited in the protection it is supposed to provide!

Bottom line, intelligent women need to do some of their own digging and should never rely on popular, commercial magazines for their health info.

Will Blesch is a freelance copywriter, professional blogger and media professional. If you’re looking for an experienced copywriter to take on a project, (ranging from full product launches to ghostwriting your organization’s blog) please get in touch and tell me how I can help.

will AT willblesch DOT com

A Week-Long Pause

Copyright 2012, Written by Will Blesch

Dang! I didn’t realize this week would end up being so busy. It was actually a knockout though.

I know I promised an article talking about the leading Womens Health Magazines and what their coverage of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil (or Cervarix) was like over 2011. Sadly, my research is not complete. I have a ton of excuses…most of them legitimate.

However, I won’t bore you with the details except to say…I shot two commercials this past week and have been kept busy with some writing work for a particular client. The commercials are being edited now, and once they are complete I am sure I’ll have some links for anyone interested in seeing them.

(And hey…yeah you! If you think you might need some PR, commercial, or copywriting work done…listen, I do outstanding work. You should get in touch. Really. If I can fit you in to my schedule, I’m always looking to work with great, new people and companies!)

Anyway! Please bear with me, the article on Womens Health Magazines and their coverage during 2012 of the HPV vaccine IS coming as promised.

This is just a pause before the storm. 😉


Planned Parenthood Advocate Gets HPV Vaccine Info DEAD Wrong

Copyright 2011, Written by Will Blesch

I just found out that Anna, the blogger who had challenged me yesterday is actually a blogger with Planned Parenthood: Advocates of Arizona.

I took a look at her blog found HERE…and noticed that she is posting supposed  facts which are facts, and facts which are…well…less than fact and more like outright misinformation. (I’m being charitable.)

I took a small selection from her posting on the HPV vaccine, Gardasil and that you can read in its entirety by clicking on the link above, and posted the REAL facts.

I’ve also cited my sources (which are authoritative by the way.)

Anna says:

“Myth: The HPV vaccine has caused death in some of its recipients.

Fact: While some people have died after receiving the vaccine, their deaths were not caused by it.”

Although she cites the CDC in this instance, she neglects to mention that while the CDC supposes that there is no relationship between HPV vaccination and these peoples’ deaths, a government watchdog group called Judicial Watch has uncovered 26 NEW deaths recorded by the FDA in relation to Gardasil vaccination between September 1, 2010 through September 15, 2011. You can read the entire report HERE:

Anna says: “Myth: There is human papillomavirus DNA in Gardasil.

Fact: Gardasil consists of empty protein shells. The infectious portions of HPV’s genetic code are not involved in its manufacture.”

She then cited sciencebasedmedicine.org which is apparently a blog maintained by a number of medically trained scientists. You can read the particular posting she cites HERE:

However, the blog she cited as well as her own posting are completely false!

Here’s what the FDA says (and although I myself am critical of the FDA, still I am sure most will consider the FDA more authoritative than a medical blog):

The presence of DNA fragments is expected in Gardasil and not evidence of contamination.” And “Gardasil does contain recombinant HPV L1-specific DNA fragments, but these are not contaminants.” – FDA

You can read all the FDA’s info on DNA in the Gardasil vaccine HERE:

Thus, if you want to be factual, you must admit that Gardasil DOES contain rDNA (genetically engineered DNA) from the HPV virus.

  • Myth: Cervical cancer is a relatively rare cancer whose rates have been declining for decades. Therefore, the vaccine is unnecessary.

Fact: Cervical cancer rates have been declining among women with access to Pap tests, but cervical cancer remains a leading cause of death in other parts of the world.”

Actually, The fact of the matter is that there are over 76,751,637 women in America. Only 12,000 will be diagnosed with cervical cancer, and of those, an estimated 4,000 will die.

That’s 0.02% (rounded up) diagnosed with cervical cancer. Of that number, 33.3% will die. That’s 0.005% of the numbers of HPV infected women in America.

Obviously, just one person dying is too many. However, you can see from the numbers that HPV caused cervical cancer deaths are extremely low.

Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says:

“In 90% of cases, the body’s immune system clears HPV naturally within two years.” – CDC

So again, I ask you…why the crazed push for EVERY boy and girl to get the Gardasil shot? Re-read some of my other blog postings.

I think the answer is obvious.

Will Blesch is a freelance copywriter, professional blogger and media professional. If you’re looking for an experienced copywriter to take on a project, (ranging from full product launches to ghostwriting your organization’s blog) please get in touch and tell me how I can help.

will AT willblesch DOT com

HPV Vaccine Under Fire, Class Action Law Suit Filed Against Merck

Copyright 2011, Written by Will Blesch

Dear All and Sundry,

Been away for a bit from the bloggosphere and may be away a bit longer, but I wanted everyone to know I shan’t be gone long. I should have a new posting of my own up in a day or two.

In the meantime, I felt that the following story merited being mentioned and so I’m linking to it.

It is entitled: HPV Vaccine Victim Sues Merck

It’s written by Dr. Mercola and again, you can visit the actual story by clicking on the link HERE.

With a growing number of girls and women reporting Multiple-sclerosis-like symptoms and neurological complications, including seizures, paralysis and speech problems following Gardasil vaccination…

It’s my personal belief that the sort of class action law suit described in this article should be replicated and filed here in the U.S.A post haste.

I also feel the FDA should be ashamed that it approved this vaccine in the first place. But then, when enough money is involved….

Will Blesch is a freelance copywriter, professional blogger and media professional. If you’re looking for an experienced copywriter to take on a project, (ranging from full product launches to ghostwriting your organization’s blog) please get in touch and tell me how I can help.

will AT willblesch DOT com

Little White Lies on the HPV Vaccines (but Here’s the Truth)

 Written by Will Blesch

Copyright, 2011

With Republican candidates fighting with each other publicly over certain state laws that mandate HPV vaccinations for girls, Politics surrounding the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix have hit a fever pitch over the past few months.

Really, why shouldn’t it? This is a subject worthy of debate. Any voice that speaks out against the vaccines has a tendency to get drowned out, or poo-poohed by “experts” in the media.

However, the fact of the matter is that the HPV vaccines are now being pushed for pre-teen girls AND boys and many parents want to know why.

The government and drug companies seem to many (and I feel rightly so) to be pushing nothing more than hype and scare tactics designed to put billions more dollars into the the drug companies’ coffers.

Governmental organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended these vaccinations and have been casting the debate as a struggle between scientific evidence and religious/cultural perceptions.

(Oh, you stupid, ignorant masses! Gosh…you and your cultural perceptions are so annoying! Don’t you know that these vaccines SAVE lives and prevent CANCER! Wow, your religious idiocy really ticks us off!)

However, these government organizations that SHOULD be looking out for you, the little guy and your family don’t bother to tell you some other facts regarding the HPV vaccines, or indeed, HPV in general. Therefore, I will.

Here is the truth.

Statistically, only a tiny fraction of women ends up with cervical cancer. An even smaller number die from it. A majority of those infected with HPV recover from the infection naturally with no medical intervention whatsoever.

So what is going on?

On one end of the spectrum we have quotes like these coming from Florida pediatrician, Dr. Eehab Kenawy “Parents tend to think about it in the sense that it might be giving their kids an OK to do things that they would not necessarily religiously or culturally believe in.”

On the other, we have statements like these from more conservative doctors like Dr. George Davis, a physician at the Callan Family Care Center “If it works, it’s great; if it has side effects we don’t yet know about, it could be bad. Although it has been tested for FDA approval, we sometimes don’t know all of the side effects until a certain amount of time has passed,” he said. (indenews.com).

In the event that one does become infected, it “may” be a good thing to receive a measure of protection against any of the strains of HPV that the vaccines protect against.


However, the fact of the matter is that Gardasil is not 100% effective in protecting against HPV transmission. Moreover, there have been a total of 20,096 reports of adverse events following Gardasil® vaccination: 19,075 reports among females and 569 reports for males, of which 504 reports were received after the vaccine was licensed for males in October 2009. This is according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.)

In addition, many parents simply do not believe their children, especially male children, are in danger.

For instance, most doctors are not giving out information that cancers caused by HPV in men are due to homosexual activity, and the burden of disease resides in males who engage in oral and anal sex with other men.

Men who have sex with men are about 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than men who only have sex with women.”(CDC)

Nevertheless, Genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). While efforts have focused on prevention of HPV, there is currently no cure.

The vaccine is not a cure.

Let’s look at some numbers too, shall we?

There are an estimated 307,006,550 people in the United States. Let’s divide this number by 2, which will give us the 50% of people who could acquire an HPV infection sometime during their lives. That leaves us with 153,503,275 people that will likely be infected with HPV.

So, let’s divide 153,503,275 by 2 assuming that of this number, half are women. This leaves us with 76,751,637. Of those, only 12,000 will be diagnosed with cervical cancer caused by HPV, and of those, 4,000 will die.

That’s 0.02% (rounded up) diagnosed with cervical cancer. Of that number, 33.3% will die.

That’s 0.005% of the numbers of HPV infected women in America.

Obviously, just one person dying is too many. However, you can see from the numbers that HPV caused cervical cancer deaths are extremely low.

Let’s look at the numbers for men.

Again, assuming that half of the 153,503,275 people infected with HPV are men that leaves us with 76,751,637 people. Of those, around 5,000 might be diagnosed with anal cancer.

Of those, 770 will die.

That’s 0.01% (rounded up) of those men infected with HPV that are diagnosed with anal cancer. Of that extremely small number, 15.4% will die.

In overall numbers,  of those men infected with HPV, 0.001% will actually die.

So…someone want to tell me WHY these vaccines are being pushed to the point of being MANDATED by state governments?

What’s that? Ohhhhhh…the drug companies are going to make HOW much? Remember folks, Gardasil costs $150 per dose…and to get fully immunized, each boy and girl is supposed to get 3 doses.

You do the math.

Too Many Women Being Tested for HPV

(C) 2011, Written by Will Blesch

I know I just recently wrote an article about the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. I actually debated with myself as to whether I should write another one…quite so soon.

I mean, people will likely say that I am merely on a crusade against Merck pharmaceutical’s HPV vaccine, Gardasil. Don’t get me wrong. I believe in protecting people against viruses that can cause cancer. The problem lies in really having some great, documented proof of the success of a vaccine…as well as significantly low side effects.

(And none of the side effects, ‘adverse events,’ should even remotely be life threatening!)

Sadly, one can’t say that regarding Gardasil.

I was doing some reading, and in an article written by Ginevra Pittman, published on Medscape, and entitled “Too Many Women Get HPV Tests: Study” the author says that according to a new study, “Doctors are testing women for human papillomavirus, or HPV, more often than guidelines recommend.” More than that, “The researchers say that in young women, a positive test gives very little information, since HPV is common in women in their 20’s and probably won’t lead to cancer.”

“There’s a much greater emphasis on avoiding a single cancer versus literally thousands of women being over-screened and over-treated,” said Philip Castle from the American Society for Clinical Pathology in Chicago, whose commentary on the new study was published along with it on June 20th in Obstetrics & Gynecology.”

What’s going on here?

I don’t like the idea of assuming that all these women are being over-tested and over-treated because the doctors are in collusion with the pharmaceutical companies.

There’s no doubt that various HPV strains can cause rare forms of cancer, genital warts etc. (The strains for one do not cause the other.) However, it is also true that in the vast majority of cases, the body’s own immune system fights off the HPV virus over a period of about two years.

So again…why the HUGE push to get pre-teen girls vaccinated with Gardasil? Why are doctors pushing to have women tested for HPV infection so strenuously? Do they know something that isn’t being published? Probably not.

In all reality, I think doctors by and large are being duped by the hype.

Merck Pharmaceutical which makes Gardasil is repped by Cohn & Wolfe, which also represents Allergan, Genzyme, Sanofi-Aventis, and Boehringer-Ingelheim. They also represented Time Warner as of 2010.

If you don’t think the pharmaceutical companies have the cash to call in the big advertizing guns, you’ve been living on another planet.

The pharmaceutical companies’ claims are spun by some of the best PR magicians around.

Gardasil Vaccine: Safe for Girls?

(c) 2011, Written by Will Blesch

Gardasil is currently one of two vaccines on the market to fight against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection. Merck & Co., Inc manufactures Gardasil. The FDA approved it for use in 2006. Since then, over 23 million doses of Gardasil have been shipped.

However, is Gardasil safe? Is it really, really safe for your daughter? Your son?

Absolutely not.

Because of the potentially harmful and even downright deadly side effects of the Gardasil vaccine, you as a parent of a preteen girl (or boy) would do well to learn as much as possible before giving your consent for a vaccination.

Vaccinations are recommended most often for girls between the ages of 11-12, and to date, vaccinations of boys against HPV are not urged in the same way that vaccinations for teenage girls are.

In April 2010, in Albuquerque, N.M., Tracy Wolf showed Action 7 News all her daughters’ doctor records after getting the Gardasil vaccine.

Wolf’s daughter Alexis has been sick for the past three years with uncontrollable vomiting and seizures that left her brain damaged. – Tracy Wolf has since filed suit against Merck & Co., Inc. (Action 7 News)

Although FDA approved, Gardasil is suspected in 21,474 adverse events and 93 deaths reported after HPV vaccinations, as reported by Radha Chitale in an article for ABC News entitled, “CDC Report Stirs Controversy for Merck’s Gardasil Vaccine.”  (ABC News Online)

Moreover, in 2008 the public interest group Judicial Watch got hold of thousands of reports obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Those reports told of, “everything from massive wart outbreaks to seizures, paralysis and death.” (LifeSiteNews.com)

According to Gardasil’s own website, side effects of the vaccine include, “pain, swelling, itching, bruising, and redness at the injection site, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, fainting.” (Gardasil.com)

A VAERS report (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) from a physician stated a female patient was inoculated with a dose of Gardasil and, “Subsequently, the patient experienced a coma and is now paralyzed.” (LifeSiteNews.com)

One has to wonder how a drug with so many side effects, and reported adverse events…and deaths…could gain FDA approval in the first place! Moreover, once these adverse events and deaths were reported, why did this drug remain approved? Why wasn’t approval withdrawn?

One might argue that out of 23 million doses, which were shipped between 2006 and 2008, there were only 93 deaths.


If you were the parent of one of those 93 girls that died, would you be happy that “only” 93 girls had died? One death is too many.

Of course, if you are making the kind of money that Merck & Co., Inc. has been making off the Gardasil vaccine…the cost of these 93 human lives is worth it.

In any case, if you don’t want to take such a pessimistic view on the matter, you still have to ask yourself why the FDA together with Merck & Co., Inc. have made such a giant marketing effort geared towards lawmakers and healthcare providers. This is especially the case when there are obviously very serious questions that  Merck Pharmaceutical (and the FDA) should be forced to answer before Gardasil is forced into the systems of a million more young girls!

Amazingly, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, “Debate is heating up about whether or not to require girls to be vaccinated against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which causes virtually all cases of cervical cancer and genital warts.

This flurry of state activity stems from the June 2006 recommendation by the national Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) that routine vaccination is recommended for girls between ages 11 and 12.”

This debate has gone so far as to mandate vaccination with or without parental approval.

“The Michigan Senate was the first to introduce legislation (S.B. 1416) in September of 2006 to require the HPV vaccine for girls entering sixth grade, but the bill was not enacted. Ohio also considered legislation in late 2006 to require the vaccine (H.B. 703), which also failed.  Legislators in at least 41 states and D.C. have introduced legislation to require, fund or educate the public about the HPV Vaccine and at least 20 states have enacted this legislation, including Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,  Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Washington.”  (NCSL)

“On February 2, 2007, Texas became the first state to enact a mandate-by executive order from the governor-that all females entering the sixth grade receive the vaccine, with some exceptions.  Legislators in Texas passed H.B. 1098 to override the executive order and the governor withheld his veto.” (NCSL)

Are these legislators simply ignorant? Has Merck & Co., Inc. bought them off?

The push to vaccinate every young woman entering the sixth grade is simply horrifying in light of the documented adverse effects, side effects, and deaths surrounding the use of Gardasil.

Every parent should make themselves aware…read the literature…and then take on those that would take away their parental right of consent, take on the FDA and Merck & Co., Inc. and demand that this dangerous drug be removed from the market immediately.

It is not safe, and has been out there doing damage for far too long.

Gardasil makes the claim on their site that, “Only a doctor or health care professional can decide if GARDASIL is right for you or your child.” (Gardasil.com)

That is not true. You’re the parent. You make the decision.


Chitale, Radha “CDC Report Stirs Controversy for Merck’s Gardasil Vaccine” ABC News, 19 August, 2009 WEB

HPV Vaccine: State Legislation and Statutes, NCSL.org, WEB

Local Parent Files Lawsuit against Makers of Gardasil

Mother Warns Parents against Vaccine Dangers, Action 7 News, KOAT.com, 18 April, 2010 WEB

Smith, Peter J. “Controversial HPV Vaccine Causing One Death per Month: FDA Report” Lifesitenews.com, 3 July, 2008 WEB

Gardasil Side Effects, Gardasil.com, WEB